
A trademan's life

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A trademan's life

On the back of the mining boom it's finally cool to be a tradie again - and thank goodness because I can't think of anything worse than being a desk jockey! The trick to earning big dollars at the moment isn't having a fancy law degree - it's being good with your hands and able to to fix and maintain any industrial equipment. Everyday is a new challenge in this job, with new problems coming up all the time. You'll never get bored! This site has loads of tips and tricks on maintain common and uncommon industrial and mining equipment.

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Three Ideal Machines for Waterjet Cutting

There are numerous techniques used in fabrication in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. Therefore, you will need to choose an ideal method for cutting your raw materials if you are planning on custom fabrication of items for sale or personal application. Waterjet cutting is one of the advantageous techniques to consider choosing for your projects. The cutting process is performed using an industrial tool known as a waterjet cutter. As implied, the equipment releases a jet of water at a high pressure.

The focussed water stream is used to cut the pertinent raw material. In some cases, an abrasive is mixed with the water for better cutting action on harder materials. If you are thinking about choosing waterjet cutting for your fabrication project, it is advisable to engage a professional manufacturing company. However, you can invest in your own waterjet cutter for in-house fabrication applications. Here are the primary water-jet cutting machines in the market to consider for purchase.

Standard Cutter

The standard waterjet cutter is designed to work under the basic principles of pressurised fluid. This machine uses pure water, which is released under pressure to slice the manufacturing materials. The cutter is a favourable choice for your commercial or even DIY projects if you primarily deal with soft materials. In simple terms, the water cannot be utilised on items with high density or without pre-existing structural weakness. Common substances that can be cut using a standard water cutter include wood, rubber, fabrics and papers.

Abrasive Slurry Cutter

Harder materials cannot be cut easily with water-only standard cutters. If you typically work with harder raw substances, you will require an abrasive waterjet cutter. This system uses pressurised water and abrasive particles such as crushed rock to cut the materials more effectively. The abrasive slurry cutter is designed to mix the water with the chosen abrasive particles into a slurry before pressurization of the fluid. Unfortunately, the abrasive medium tends to wear out the internal components of the machine. This will necessitate frequent repairs and maintenance of the waterjet cutter.

Abrasive Entrainment Cutter

The abrasive entrainment cutter is also utilised in waterjet cutting with an abrasive medium. However, the particles are stored in a chamber, and they are released after the water is pressurised. This reduces the wear of the internal components in the machine. You can also choose an alternative configuration known as the abrasive water suspension machine. This cutter uses abrasive particles in water-based gel for increased control and precision. 

For more information about the different options, you may want to contact an experienced waterjet cutting company.